

  • Eigenbrode S. and Rashed, A. 2023. Advances in understanding insect pests affecting wheat and other cereals. P. 487. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge, UK

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles (*advisee/mentee)


  • Nikoukar, A.*, Sadeghi, R., Eigenbrode, S. D., Price, W. & A. Rashed. 2025. Wireworms (Coleoptera: Elateridae) Swipe Right on Their Hostplant Using Root Volatiles and CO2. Scientific Reports, in press.
  • Parizad, S.* & A. Rashed. 2025. Can barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) incidence in winter wheat be influenced by endophyte-tall fescue association in grazing lands? Entomologia Experimentalis, in press.
  • Farrokhzadeh, H.*, Jaronski, S. & A. Rashed. 2025. Reduced survivorship, host preference, and feeding damage by Helicoverpa zea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on cotton plants colonized by the endophyte Beauveria bassiana (Ascomycota: Hypocreales). Journal of Economic Entomology, in press.


  • Fadaei, E., Mehrabadi, M., Bagheri, A., Rashed, A. & Y. Fathipour. 2024. Unraveling the impact of greenhouse pepper resistance on biological performance of the broad mite Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Acari: Tarsonemidae). Crop Protection, 186: 106899.
  • Randall, J., Nikoukar, A.*, Rashed, A., & I. Popova. 2024. The use of Brassicaceae dervied pesticide for control of wireworms (Coleoptera: Elateridae). Sustainable Chemistry for the Environment, in press.
  • Yari, S.*, Hajiqanbar, H., Fathipour, Y, Farazmand, A. & A. Rashed. 2024. Damage caused by Tetranychus urticae and Frankliniella occidentalis on rose plant: Effect of different initial population densities. Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 18: 117–127.
  • Rashed, A. & W. van Herk. 2024. Pest Elaterids of North America: New Insights and Opportunities for Management. Annual Review of Entomology, 69: 1-20.
  • Wenninger, E.J. & A. Rashed, 2024. Biology, ecology, and management of the potato psyllid, Bactericera cockerelli (Hemiptera: Triozidae), and zebra chip disease in potato. Annual Review of Entomology, 69: 139-157.


  • Eigenbrode, S., S. Adhikari, A. Rashed, A. & E.J. Wenninger. 2023. Fescue aphid (Metopolophium festucae). In Advances in understanding insect pests affecting wheat and other cereals (eds. S. Eigenberod and A. Rashed). P. 487. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge, UK.
  • Rashed, A. & E.J. Wenninger. Advances in managing wireworms in cereal crops: challenges and future directions. 2023. In Advances in understanding insect pests affecting wheat and other cereals (eds. S. Eigenberod and A. Rashed). P. 487. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge, UK.
  • Ensafi, P., Smiley, R., Moll, M.M., Rashed, A., Jackson, C.A. & J.M. Marshall. 2023. Resistance and tolerance screening of spring wheat cultivars to cereal cyst nematode (Heterodera avenae) in southeastern Idaho. Plant Disease, in press.
  • Yari, S.*, Hajiqanbar, H., Farazmand, A., Rashed, A. & Y. Fathipour. 2023. Efficacy of single and combined release of Phytoseiulus persimilis and Amblyseius swirskii at different release ratios for control of Tetranychus urticae and Frankliniella occidentalis on rose plants. International Journal of Pest Management, in press.
  • Yari, S.*, Hajiqanbar, H., Farazmand, A., Rashed, A. & Y. Fathipour. 2023. Efficacy assessment of Neoseiulus cucumeris at different release rates in control of Frankliniella occidentalis on rose plants under laboratory and microcosm conditions. Systematic & Applied Acarology, 28: 607-618.


  • Nikoukar, A.* & A.Rashed. 2022. Integrated Pest Management of Wireworms (Coleoptera: Elateridae) and Rhizosphere in Agroecosystems. Insects, 13(9): 769.
  • Prather, S., Schneider, T., Godoy, J.G., Odubiyi, S., Bosque-Perez, N.A., Rashed, A., Rynearson, S. & M.O. Pumphrey. 2022. Reliable DNA markers for a previously unidentified, yet broadly deployed Hessian fly resistance gene on chromosome 6B in Pacific Northwest spring wheat varieties. Frontiers in Plant Science, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.779096
  • Wenninger, E.J. & A. Rashed. 2022. Psyllids. In Insect Pests of Potato, 2nd Ed. (eds. A. Alyohkin, S. Rondon, and Y. Gao). P. 616. Elsevier.
  • Prager, S.M., Cohen, A., Cooper, W.R., Novy, R., Rashed, A., Wenninger, E.J. & C. Wallis. 2022. Zebra Chip Disease in Potato and its Management through Breeding for Resistance/Tolerance to ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’. Pest Management Science, 78: 3731-3745.
  • Garland-Campbell, K, Bellinger, B.S., Carter, A.H., Chen, X., DeMacon, P., Engle, D., Hagerty, C.H., Kiszonas, A., Klarquist, E., Murray, T., Morris, C., Neely, C., Odubiyi, S, Rashad, A., See1, D., Steber, C. & N. Wen. 2022. Registration of ‘Cameo’ Soft White Winter Club Wheat. Journal of Plant Registration, 16:585–596.


  • Nikoukar, A.*, Ensafi, P., Lewis, E., Crowder, D. & A. Rashed. 2021. Efficacy of naturally occurring and commercial entomopathogenic nematodes against sugar beet wireworm (Coleoptera: Elateridae). Journal of Economic Entomology, 114: 2241-2244.
  • Sadeghi, R.*, Odubyii, S., Nikoukar, A.*, Schroeder, K. & A. Rashed. 2021. Mayetiola destructor (Diptera: Cecidmyiidae) host preference and survival on small grain crops with respect to leaf reflectance and phytohormone concentrations. Scientific Reports, 11:4761.
  • Cruzado-Gutiérrez, R.K.*, R. Sadeghi*, S.M.  Prager, C.L. Casteel, J. Parker*, E.J. Wenninger, W.J. Price, N.A. Bosque-Pérez, A.V. Karasev & A. Rashed. 2021. Sharing a host plant: interspecific interactions within a vector-borne complex are influenced by a co-occurring pathosystem. Scientific Reports, 11:2242.
  • Rashidi, M.*, R.K. Cruzado*, P.J.S. Hutchinson, J.M. Marshall, N.A. Bosque-Perez & A. Rashed. 2021. Grassy weeds and corn as potential sources of Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV-PAV) spread into winter wheat. Plant Disease, 105: 444–449.


  • Fu, Z., A. Meier, B. Epstein, A. Bergland, C. Castillo Carrillo, W.R. Cooper, R.K. Cruzado, D. Horton, A. Jensen, J. Kelley, A. Rashed, S.R. Reitz, S. Rondon, J. Thinakaran, E. Wenninger, C. Wohleb, D. Crowder & W. Snyder. 2020. Host plants and endosymbionts shape the population genetics of sympatric vectors. Evolutionary Applications, 13:2740-2753.
  • Kaur, N.*, W.R. Cooper, J. Duringer, A. Rashed, I. Badillo-Vargas, G. Esparza Diaz & D. Horton. 2020. Mortality of potato psyllid on host clippings inoculated with ergot alkaloids (Bactericera cockerelli; Hemiptera Triozidae). Journal of Economic Entomology 113:2079-2085.
  • Wenninger, E.J., A. Rashed, S.I. Rondon, A. Alyokhin & J.M. Alvarez.  2020. Insect Pests and Their Management. Pp. 283-345. In: Potato Production Systems (eds. Stark, J.C., Thornton, M., and Nolte, P.). P. 636. Springer Nature.
  • Andrews, K.R., A. Gerritson, A. Rashed, D.W. Crowder, S.I. Rondon, W.G. van Herk, R. Vernon, K.W. Wanner, C.M. Wilson, D.D. New, M.W. Fagnan, P.A. Hohenlohe & S.S. Hunter. 2020. Genomic analysis of three wireworm (Coleoptera: Elateridae) species reveals putative 1cryptic species, population structure, and adaptive responses to agricultural pest control. Communications Biology, 3: 489.
  • Milosavljević, I., A.D. Esser, A. Rashed & D.W. Crowder. 2020. The composition of soil-dwelling pathogen communities mediates effects on wireworm herbivores and wheat productivity. Biological Control, 149:104317.
  • Fu, Z., C.I. Castillo Carrillo, A. Rashed, C. Asaquibay, R. Aucancela, J. Camacho, V. López, V. Quimbiamba, F. Yumisaca, N. Panchi & C. Velasco. 2020. Assessing genetic diversity of three species of potato tuber moths (Gelechiidae, Lepidoptera) in the Ecuadorian highlands. Florida Entomologist, 103: 329-336.
  • Fife, A.N., A. Rashed, R.G. Novy & E.J. Wenninger. 2020. Investigating behavior of the potato psyllid Bactericera cockerelli (Šulc) (Hemiptera: Triozidae) on three potato genotypes with putative resistance to “Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum”. Journal of Insect Science, 20:15.
  • Wenninger, E.J., N. Olsen, J. Lojewski, P. Wharton, J. Dahan, A. Rashed & A.V. Karasev. 2020. Effects of potato psyllid vector density and time of infection on zebra chip disease development after harvest and during storage. American Journal of Potato Research, 97:278-288.
  • Cruzado, R.K.*, M. Rashidi*, N. Olsen, R.G. Novy, E.J. Wenninger, N.A. Bosque-Pérez, A.V. Karasev, W.J. Price & A. Rashed. 2020. Effect of the level of Lso infection on the development of zebra chip disease and identification of sources of resistance in potato genotypes. PLoS ONE15(4): e0231973.


  • Horton, D.R., N. Kaur, W.R. Cooper, E. Miliczky, I. E. Badillo-Vargas, G. Esparza-Díaz, A. Rashed, T.D. Waters & C.H. Wohleb. 2019. Whence and whither the Convolvulus psyllid?  An invasive plant leads to diet and range expansion by a native insect herbivore (Hemiptera: Triozidae). Annals of Entomological Society of America, 112: 249-264.
  • Liang, X., M. Rashidi*, C.W. Rogers, Marshall, J. M. & A. Rashed. 2019. Winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) response to Barley yellow dwarf virus at different nitrogen application rates and in the presence and absence of its aphid vector, Rhopalosiphum padi L. (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 167: 98-107.


  • Kaur, N.*, W.R. Cooper, J.M. Duringer, I.E. Badillo-Vargas, G. Esparza-Díaz, A. Rashed & D.R. Horton. 2018. Survival and development of potato psyllid (Hemiptera: Triozidae) on Convolvulaceae: effects of a plant-fungus symbiosis (Periglandula). PLoS ONE, 13(9): e0201506.
  • Workneh, F., L. Paetzold, A. Silva, C. Johnson, A. Rashed, I. Badillo-Vargas, N.C. Gudmestad & C.M. Rush. 2018. Assessments of Temporal Variations in Haplotypes of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ and its Vector the Potato Psyllid in Potato Fields and native Vegetation. Environmental Entomology, 47: 1184-1193.
  • Ensafi, P.*, D. Crowder, A. Esser, Z. Zhao*, J.M. Marshall & A. Rashed. 2018. The efficacy of biological control against the wireworm Limonius californicus (Col., Elateridae) is affected by soil type. Journal of Economic Entomology, 111: 2053-2058.
  • Rashed, A., X. Feng, S.M. Prager, L.D. Porter, J. Knodel, A. Karasev & S.D. Eigenbrode. 2018. Vector-borne viruses of pulse crops, with a particular emphasis on North American cropping system. Annals of Entomological Society of America, 111: 205-227.
  • Zhao, Z.*, S.M. Prager, R.K. Cruzado*, X. Liang, W.R. Cooper, G. Hu & A. Rashed. 2018. Characterizing zebra chip symptom severity and identifying spectral signatures associated with ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’-infected potato tubers. American Journal of Potato Research, 94: 585-596.
  • Rogers, C.W., K. Schroeder, A. Rashed & T.L. Roberts. 2018. Evaluation of soil tests for measuring potentially mineralizable soil nitrogen in southern Idaho soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 82: 1279-1289.
  • Rashed, A., N. Olsen, C.M. Wallis, L. Paetzold, L. Woodell, M. Rashidi*, F. Workneh & C.M. Rush. 2018. Post-harvest development of Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum and its impact on the late-season infected potato tubers, with emphasis on cold storage procedures. Plant Disease, 102:561-568.


  • Beatty, C.D., M. Sánchez Herrera, J. H. Skevington, A. Rashed, H. Van Gossum, S. Kelso & T. N. Sherratt. 2017. Biogeography and systematics of endemic island damselflies: the Nesobasis and Melanesobasis (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) of Fiji. Ecology and Evolution, 7:7117-7129.
  • Farrokhzadeh, H., G. Moravvej, M. Modarres Awal, J. Karimi & A. Rashed. 2017. Comparison of molecular and conventional methods for estimating parasitism rate in pomegranate aphid Aphis punicae (Hem., Aphididae). Journal of Insect Science, 17:110.
  • Rashed, A., C.W. Rogers, M. Rashidi* & J.M. Marshall. 2017. Sugar beet wireworm Limonius californicus damage to wheat and barley: Evaluations of plant damage with respect to soil media, seeding depth, and diatomaceous earth. Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 11:147-154.
  • Rashidi, M.*, R. Novy, C.M. Wallis & A. Rashed. 2017. Characterization of host plant resistance to zebra chip disease from species-derived potato genotypes and the identification of new sources of zebra chip resistance. PLoS ONE, 12: e0183283.
  • Eigenbrode, S., E. Bechinski, N.A. Bosque-Pérez, D. Crowder, A. Rashed, S. Rondon & B. Stokes. 2017. Insect management strategies. In: Advances in dryland farming in the inland Pacific Northwest. (eds. G. Yorgey, and C. Krugner). P. 587. Washington State University Extension.
  • Marshall, J.M., M. Rashidi*, C. Jackson & A. Rashed. 2017. Seed and foliar treatments to reduce impacts of Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV). Plant Disease Management Reports, 11:ST008.
  • Wallis, C.M., A. Rashed, F. Workneh, L. Paetzold & C.M. Rush. 2017. Effects of holding temperatures on the development of zebra chip symptoms, ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ titers, and phenolic levels in Red La Soda and Russet Norkotah tubers. The American Journal of Potato Research, 94:334-341.

2016 and prior

  • Rashed, A., C.M. Wallis, L. Paetzold, F. Workneh & C.M. Rush. 2016. Variations in zebra chip disease expression and tuber biochemistry in response to vector density. Phytopathology, 106:854-860.
  • Wang, N., A. Rashed, F. Workneh & C.M. Rush. 2015. Candidatus Liberibacter spp. and related diseases. In: Virulence Mechanisms of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria (eds. N. Wang, J. Jones, G. Sundin, F. White, S. Hogenhout, C. Rober, L. De La Fuente, and J. Ham). Pp. 492. American Phytopathological Society Press.
  • Workneh, F., L. Paetzold, A. Rashed & C.M. Rush. 2016. Population dynamics of released potato psyllids and their Bacteriliferous status in relation to disease incidence in caged field plots. Plant Disease, 100:1762-1767.
  • Gerritsen, A.T., D.D. New, B.D. Robison, A. Rashed, P. Hohenlohe, L. Forney, M. Rashidi*, C.M. Wilson & M.L. Settles. 2015. Full mitochondrial genome sequence of the sugarbeet wireworm Limonius californicus (Coleoptera: Elateridae), a common agricultural pest. ASM Genome Announcements, 4:e01628-15.
  • Rush, C.M., F. Workneh & A. Rashed. 2015. Significance and epidemiological aspects of late-season infections in the management of potato zebra chip. Phytopathology, 105:929-936.
  • Rashed, A., F. Workneh, L. Paetzold & C.M. Rush. 2015. Emergence success from the ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’-infected seed potatoes is not affected by the time of infection during the season. Plant Disease, 99:274-280.
  • Wallis, C.M., A. Rashed, J. Chen, L. Paetzold, F. Workneh & C.M. Rush. 2015. Effects of potato psyllid- vectored ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ infection on potato leaf and stem physiology. Phytopathology, 105:189-198.
  • Rashed, A., F. Workneh, J. Gray, L. Paetzold & C.M. Rush. 2014. Zebra chip disease development in relation to plant age and time of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ infection. Plant Disease, 98:24-31.
  • Wallis, C.M., A. Rashed, L. Paetzold, F. Workneh & C.M. Rush. 2014. Similarities and differences in physiological responses to ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ infection among different potato cultivars. Phytopathology 104:126-133.
  • Price, J., A. Rashed, F. Workneh & C.M. Rush. 2014. Hard red winter wheat cultivars with temperature sensitive resistance to wheat streak mosaic virus do not recover from early season infections. Plant Disease, 98:525-531.
  • Workneh, F., D.C. Henne, J.A. Goolsby, J. M. Crosslin, S.D. Whipple, J.D. Bradshaw, A. Rashed, L. Paetzold, R. Harveson & C.M. Rush. 2013. Characterization of management and environmental factors associated with regional variations in potato zebra chip occurrence. Phytopathology, 103:1235-1242.
  • Rashed, A., C.M. Wallis, L. Paetzold, F. Workneh & C.M. Rush. 2013. Zebra chip disease and potato biochemistry: Tuber physiological changes in response to ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ infection over time. Phytopathology, 103:419-426.
  • Rashed, A., D. Ling, B. Barraff, J. Kwan, M.P. Daugherty, N. Killiny & R.P.P. Almeida. 2012. Relative susceptibility of grapevine cultivars to the vector-borne Xylella fastidiosaPLoS ONE, 8:e55326.
  • Rashed, A., D. Nash, L. Paetzold, F. Workneh & C.M. Rush. 2012. Transmission efficiency of Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum and potato zebra chip disease progress in relation to pathogen titer, vector numbers and feeding sites. Phytopathology, 102:1072-1085.
  • Killiny, N., A. Rashed & R.P.P. Almeida. 2012. Disrupting the transmission of a vector-borne plant pathogen. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 78:638-643.
  • Sharma, A.M., J. Wang, S. Duffy, S. Zhang, M.K. Wong, A. Rashed, M.L. Cooper, K.M. Daane & R.P.P. Almeida. 2011. Occurrence of grapevine leafroll-associated virus complex in Napa Valley. PLoS ONE, 6: e26227.
  • Rashed, A., M. Daugherty & R.P.P. Almeida. 2011. Grapevine genotype susceptibility to Xylella fastidiosa does not predict vector transmission success. Environmental Entomology, 40:1192-1199.
  • Daugherty, M.P., A. Rashed, R.P.P. Almeida & T.M. Perring. 2011. Vector preference for host infection status: Sharpshooter movement and Xylella fastidiosa transmission. Ecological Entomology, 36:654-662.
  • Rashed, A., N. Killiny, J. Kwan & R.P.P. Almeida. 2011. Background matching behaviour and pathogen acquisition: Feeding site preference does not predict the bacterial acquisition efficiency of vector species. Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 5:97-106.
  • Rashed, A. & M. Polak. 2010. Differential condition dependence among morphological traits inferred from responses to heat stress is predicted by sexual selection theory. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 101:566-574.
  • Polak, M. & A. Rashed. 2010. Microscale laser surgery reveals adaptive function of male intromittent genitalia. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 277:1371-1376. (Featured in Science (online))
  • Rashed, A. & M. Polak. 2009. Does male secondary sexual trait size reveal fertilization efficiency in Australian Drosophila bipectinata Duda? Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 98:406-413.
  • Rashed, A., M.I. Khan, J.W. Dawson, J.E. Yack & T.N. Sherratt. 2009. Do hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) sound like the Hymenoptera they morphologically resemble? Behavioral Ecology, 20:296-402.
  • Rashed, A., B. Hamilton & M. Polak. 2008. Ectoparasite resistance is correlated with reduced host egg hatch rate in the Drosophila-Macrocheles system. Environmental Entomology, 37:1099-1104.
  • Bain, R.S., A. Rashed, V. Cowper, F. Gilbert & T.N. Sherratt. 2007. The key mimetic features of hoverflies through avian eyes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 247:1949-1954.
  • Rashed, A. & T.N. Sherratt. 2007. Mimicry in hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae): A field test of the competitive mimicry Hypothesis. Behavioral Ecology, 18:337-344.
  • Rashed, A., C.D. Beatty, M.R. Forbes & T.N. Sherratt. 2005. Prey selection by dragonflies in relation to prey size and wasp-like colours and patterns. Animal Behaviour, 70:1195-1202.
  • Sherratt, T.N., A. Rashed & C.D. Beatty. 2005. Hiding in plain sight. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 20:414-416.
  • Sherratt, T.N., A. Rashed & C.D. Beatty. 2004. The evolution of locomotory behaviour in profitable and unprofitable simulated prey. Oecologia, 138:143-150.
  • Rashed, A., K. Kamali, A. Rezvani & Y. Fathipour. 2004. Biology of Macrosiphoniella sanborni (Hom., Aphididae) on chrysanthemum flower in natural and laboratory conditions.  Journal of Entomological Society of Iran, 23:45-57.
  • Rakhshani, E., A.A. Talebi, S.E. Sadeghi, N. Kavallieratos & A. Rashed. 2004. Seasonal parasitism and hyperparasitism of walnut Aphid, Chromaphis juglandicola (Kaltenbach) (Homoptera: Aphididae) in Iran. Journal of Entomological Society of Iran, 23:1-13.