We work to bridge the gap between research and application by facilitating information transfer to our urban and agricultural clients, promoting the use of technology in decision-making, and promoting the knowledge and implementation of integrated pest management in our regional production systems.
Resources for Producers
Barley yellow dwarf alert in Virginia wheat: follow the link for more information and send us samples!
Visit Virginia Ag Pest and Crop Advisory website for the latest!
Tobacco Insect Pest Management Insect 2023
2023 Tobacco Production Handbook Complete Guide
Barley yellow dwarf virus management in small grain BYDV southeastern US
Barley yellow dwarf virus management in small grain (western/midwestern USA) Determining-BYD-Yield-Losses

Information for Organic Producers visit OFRF
Cabbage Root Maggot Damage Confirmed in a Cabbage Field in Southern Virginia Link to UMass Extension Factsheet
Red Imported Fire Ants Are Quickly Expanding Their Range in Virginia; reach out to your local VCE office and/or VDACS for assistance and information on management
White Grubs on Sidewalks, Driveways, and Hallways? Green June Beetle, a possibility
Looking for information about the northern giant hornets (previously, Asian giant hornet)? Click here
Poster: Northern giant hornet and look-alikes